full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Claire Wardle: How you can help transform the internet into a place of trust

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Welcome to one of the central challenges of our time. How can we maintain an inetenrt with freedom of expression at the core, while also ensuring that the content that's being disseminated doesn't cause irreparable harms to our democracies, our communities and to our physical and mnteal well-being? Because we live in the information age, yet the central currency upon which we all depend — iroinftaomn — is no longer deemed entirely trustworthy and, at times, can appear downright dangerous. This is thanks in part to the runaway gtorwh of saicol sharing platforms that allow us to scroll through, where lies and facts sit side by side, but with none of the taadrniiotl sgnials of trustworthiness.

Open Cloze

Welcome to one of the central challenges of our time. How can we maintain an ________ with freedom of expression at the core, while also ensuring that the content that's being disseminated doesn't cause irreparable harms to our democracies, our communities and to our physical and ______ well-being? Because we live in the information age, yet the central currency upon which we all depend — ___________ — is no longer deemed entirely trustworthy and, at times, can appear downright dangerous. This is thanks in part to the runaway ______ of ______ sharing platforms that allow us to scroll through, where lies and facts sit side by side, but with none of the ___________ _______ of trustworthiness.


  1. information
  2. traditional
  3. social
  4. growth
  5. mental
  6. internet
  7. signals

Original Text

Welcome to one of the central challenges of our time. How can we maintain an internet with freedom of expression at the core, while also ensuring that the content that's being disseminated doesn't cause irreparable harms to our democracies, our communities and to our physical and mental well-being? Because we live in the information age, yet the central currency upon which we all depend — information — is no longer deemed entirely trustworthy and, at times, can appear downright dangerous. This is thanks in part to the runaway growth of social sharing platforms that allow us to scroll through, where lies and facts sit side by side, but with none of the traditional signals of trustworthiness.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
social posts 2
zombie rumor 2
deepest fears 2
circulated widely 2
global regulation 2
moderate speech 2
information ecosystem 2
smart people 2

Important Words

  1. age
  2. central
  3. challenges
  4. communities
  5. content
  6. core
  7. currency
  8. dangerous
  9. deemed
  10. democracies
  11. depend
  12. disseminated
  13. downright
  14. ensuring
  15. expression
  16. facts
  17. freedom
  18. growth
  19. harms
  20. information
  21. internet
  22. irreparable
  23. lies
  24. live
  25. longer
  26. maintain
  27. mental
  28. part
  29. physical
  30. platforms
  31. runaway
  32. scroll
  33. sharing
  34. side
  35. signals
  36. sit
  37. social
  38. time
  39. times
  40. traditional
  41. trustworthiness
  42. trustworthy